Cartridge endurance rating 1 million cycles
Cartridge fatigue pressure rating (NFPA/T2.6.1 R2-2000) 210 bar (3000 psi)
At zero current, the valve
is fully open from port 2 to
port 3. At 1500 to 1600 mA
(12V coil) the valve is fully
closed. Port 1 is used for
pressure balancing the spool
and armature and must be
blocked in all cases.
The maximum intended
pressure drop is 300 PSID.
At pressure drops above
300 PSID, almost no
increase in flow is obtained.
The intended flow direction
is from port 2 to port 3.
Typical application pressure 210 bar (3000 psi)
Cartridge burst pressure rating (NFPA/T2.6.1 R2-2000) 751 bar (10,900 psi)
Rated maximum flow at 160 PSID Flow rating “A” 15.1 L/min (4 USgpm)
Flow rating “B” 30.2 L/min (8 USgpm)
Operation of the valve with
flow from port 3 to port 2
will produce flow vs current
and flow vs pressure drop