A24VDC power supply is connected to
pins bdz32 (+) and bdz30 (–). An enable
switch connected between bdz32 and
pin z2a is required. The valve is
connected according to the circuit
diagram. A (+) or (–) 10V at 5mA
reference is provided for command
voltage control. When wired as shown in
the diagram the control pots should be
2000 ohms or greater. If the pot is to be
connected across the (+) or (–) pins z2
and b2 the minimum pot size should be4000 ohms.
A typical circuit for a single stage
feedback type valve in an open (outer)
loop application is shown in Figure 1.
Though set-up is from the top down it
is best to explain gain control first. Gain
adjustments are the lower two pots in
the second box from the top on the
front face of the amplifier.