企業(yè)QQ:2880 6260 84
電 話:021-3952 9839轉(zhuǎn)8004
傳 真:021-3994 7616
聯(lián)系人;曾凡莉136 5173 3590
? The solenoid valves will withstand the severe service
encountered in controlling
cryogenic fl uids such as liquid oxygen (-183°C) liquid
argon (-186°C) and liquid
nitrogen (-196°C)
? All valves are degreased cleaned tested and packed to
keep them free from
moisture. In addition liquid oxygen (LOX) valves are
“black light” tested to check
for any hydrocarbons
? Valves do not require a minimum operating pressure
? Valve are provided with stainless steel seats
? The solenoid valves satisfy all relevant EC directives
? Minimum operating pressure differential 0.3/0.5 bar
?小工作壓差0.3 / 0.5桿
? Two way valves for automatic control of water air and
inert gas
and other gases/liquids compatible with the sealing
materials used
? Interchangeability of magnetic heads AC and DC
? ASCO/JOUCOMATIC solenoid valves satisfy all relevant EC
?ASCO / joucomatic電磁閥滿足所有相關(guān)的歐盟指令