UDC700 general-purpose controller with a space-saving 1/32 DIN design, high technology content,
Excellent quality and low price, can be a simple process to provide reliable control. The
UDC700 general-purpose controller with a 1/32 DIN panel, the depth of the shell shallow,
So it can be installed on a 45mm x 22mm panel fuse.
Its automatic adjustment function, 0.25% control accuracy and per degree Celsius in the range of 0.01%
霍尼韋爾()1/16 DIN系列控制器具備高功能性和可靠性,
High flexibility and small footprint applications.
Honeywell (China) 1/16 DIN controller is a microprocessor-d controller,
霍尼韋爾()1/16 DIN控制器是基于微處理器的控制器,
確保的過程參數測量和維護。 采用特殊設計的數字顯示器,
To ensure accurate process parameter measurement and maintenance. Using a specially designed digital display,
Easy to configure, use and maintain, NEMA4 / IP66 rating of the panel can make it from dust and strong water pipe damage.
Simple compact applications require the use of a reliable,
high performance and can be installed in a small device in the general-purpose controller.
UDC700通用型控制器采用了可節省空間的1/32 DIN規格設計,科技含量高,
品質出眾且價格低廉,可針對較簡單的過程提供可靠的控制功能。 ?
UDC700通用型控制器采用了1/32 DIN面板,外殼深度較淺,